Title: Combining Modules Content: Now that we have implemented all the modules for the functionalities, it's time to combine them. First, we need to...
Prepare a plastic board and a box I prepared a shoe box. We will make a hole in the box so that the inside of the box is visible. Next, create a...
This time, let's create a status display. Egg Incubator Current Status: Incubating Incubation Period: 15 days 3 hours Time to Hatch: 5 days 21...
Hatching an egg takes about 21 days. We will use an OLED to check how long the egg incubator has been running. Displaying it in a clear manner would...
In my previous post, I connected an AC Relay, an AC Voltage Source, and a Heater plug. Here’s a simple explanation of how I did it. First, prepare an...
One of the essential functions of an egg incubator is to control the heater. The egg incubator should turn the heater on when the temperature falls...